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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  September 23, 2010 4:25am-5:00am EDT

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good morning on this thursday, september 23rd as we take a live look over interstate 270 this morning where traffic is pretty light. we'll keep building as the morning progresses. i'm sarah simmons in for gurvir dhindsa. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's get a check of our weather with tucker barnes.
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he has the latest for us. good morning, tucker. >> should be a fine-looking day but on the hot side with, once again, high temperatures back into the 90s. i know it is the first full day of fall but our temperatures will be back in the 90s. you can see the shower and thunderstorm activity well off the coast. still some leftover cloud cover and some fog across the area. it will be beautiful at least as far as sky conditions go but temperatures once again will soar into the 90s. 74degrees at reagan national. doing one of those nights where we don't cool off a lot. 67 at dulles. 67 in winchester. if you are thinking this weather is reminiscent of august, you are right and so is this high temperature. 91degrees, lots of sunshine. hot and humid out there this afternoon. more details on the weekend
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forecast. it will be cooler by saturday. i'll have those details in a minute. neighbors in the close-knit lorton community are devastated. a fairfax county mom and two kids were killed in a house fire but the 24-year-old did manage to save three of her other children. alli anderson was seen handing three children out of a second story window. when she went back to her youngest boys, she was not seen again. tonight, a woman will be put to death. theresa lewis was sentenced to death for providing sex and money to two men who killed her husband and son in october of 2002. she ordered her family members dead to collect $250,000 in insurance. consumer protection
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contained in the nation's new health care law kick in today. they force insurers to meet new requirements such as ending lifetime limits. today also marks six months since the signing of the health care reform law. mike emmanuel has more. >> reporter: in a suburban virginia backyard, president obama marked the upcoming anniversary of health care reform and the implementation of the patient's bill of rights. the president was southbounded by about 20 people who believe health care reform was a good thing. >> part of the affordable care act that we can implement right now and will take effect -- is it today or tomorrow? tomorrow. francis knows. the most important patient's bill of rights that wave ever seen in our history. >> reporter: there was an effort to personalize the law
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including a woman with nonhodgkin's lymphoma. >> i was scared to death. it was how am i going to pay for these outrageous bills that are going to come our way. >> reporter: this is quite a contrast from six months ago when health care was celebrated with fanfare. critics say unlike the people at the president's event, most americans have yet to see any benefit from this law. >> the fact is that the average person doesn't really identify with that kind of a setting, very, very few people have experienced much of anything at all positive from this health reform and they are not going for for years to come. >> reporter: many democrats up for re-election is not mentioning health care as part of their campaign pitch with recent polls saying this issue remains fifth with voters. today, members of the gop doctors caucus in the house promise to work after the election on repealing the law
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and say the democrats oversold the bill. >> they didn't really mean it when they said it would bring down costs. and costs are going up. i don't think it is surprise democrats aren't running on this bill. >> we are not running away from it. we are talking to the american people and they are saying to us loud and clear, this is no picnic, mr. president. this is no picnic. >> reporter: earlier, the president took some blame for health care reform not being more popular. mr.obama says sometimes he faults himself for not being able to make the case more clearly to the country. mike emmanuel, fox news. good morning. we take a live look over wisconsin avenue this morning. it is thursday, september 23rd. remember thursday is connected to friday so that is good news. maybe not good news though. temperatures are going to be a little bit warmer when you head out this morning. i'm sarah simmons in for gurvir dhindsa. let's get a check of weather
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with tucker barnes. i felt like i was still in july when i walked outside. >> it does feel a little like july. our dew point temperatures are up. humidity is up from the overnight rain. >> mosquitos were hanging around. >> i know you said the mosquitos were hanging around. not much happening. the shower and thunderstorm activity, we only had a few pop up. those that got going, somewhere on the strong side, and they are out of here. still some localized fog developing. today should feature more sunshine than yesterday afternoon and some hot temperatures again with highs once again about 90 or so and humid as well later this afternoon. so again, summertime weather for the first full day of fall.
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this will continue into the daytime hours tomorrow. more detail on that. >> but apparently, speedo alert for today. >> lets >> let's get a report from julie on ic. >> at first i thought she said speedo, not mosquito. >> that's what i thought too. >> no problems to report on the beltway traveling in that hot lane construction zone between tyson's and 66. all of that construction cleared. lanes are open right now if you are traveling downtown rockville off of 328, the miklaszewski bowl here. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story, the nation's new health care law turns six months old today and with that
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milestone, brings big benefits for americans as well as some skepticism from some lawmakers. matt ackland joins us live from capitol hill to break it down for us. >> reporter: good morning. it is hard to believe it's been six months since health care reform was passed here on the hill. what we are noticing in the last day or so is that the obama administration is using this victory six months ago and taking it out on the campaign trail to help democrats with the mid-term election. in fact, the president was if falls church, virginia talking about how hundreds of thousands of americans would benefit from this new legislation. starting today, some of the changes include allowing parents to keep kids on their insurance until 26. coverage cannot be denied for preexisting conditions. there are no lifetime limits on benefits. and most preventive care will not require copayment. the fight against this reform is still under way.
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some states including virginia are suing the federal government over this legislation. >> they didn't really mean it when they said it would bring down costs. in point of fact, costs of going up. i don't think it is any surprise democrats aren't running on this bill. >> all of these things are designed not to have government more involved in health care. they are designed to make sure you have basic protections in your interactions with your insurance company, that you are getting what you paid for. >> reporter: depending on which side you talk to, some people say the new health care reform is actually helping the government save money. others say it is digging a deeper hole. by the way, some of those things will go into effect for americans this week. but people would have insurance that start in january, a lot of them won't see these changes until january 1st. >> thank you, matt. barring an unexpected last- minute move from the governor, a virginia woman tonight will become the first woman executed in the commonwealth in nearly a
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century. theresa lewis is scheduled to be put to death by lethal inject at 9:00 p.m. at a correctional facility in jarrett. the 41-year-old was sentenced to death for providing sex and money to two men would killed her husband and stepson in october 2002. virginia governor bob mcdonnell has turned down two requests for clemency from her lawyers. a horrific fire in virginia claims the lives of a mother and her two young young children. mom managed to help save her other children before the fire took her life t happened yesterday morning on hagel circumstance until lorton. as will thomas reports, neighbors woke up to sounds of screams. >> when i came out my door, i just saw yellow and started running. >> reporter: friends living just steps away tried desperately to help the mother
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and children inside who were more like family than neighbors. 24-year-old alli anderson holding her 2-month-old daughter was seen handing her children out of of a second story window one by one to their uncle below. three children made it out alive. >> they were scrai crying. they were scared. neighbors say they saw ally go back for the other two. >> i heard her screaming out. we went to the fronted door and we cooperate go in because the flame was so high and the thick black smoke. we went to the glass door, it was the same thing. >> reporter: ally along with her youngest boys were not seen again. >> i mean how can you respond to that? honestly, heart broke p. ain't nothing we could do about it. >> reporter: fairfax county officials have not released the names of anyone in the fire. the medical examiner will make the official identifications.
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but this community of families doesn't have to wait. they say they are already grieving for two little brothers and their mother whose last breath was apparently taken trying to save her children. will thomas, fox 5 news. a navy seal from our area has died fighting in afghanistan. brandon loony grew up in montgomery county. he went to the naval academy and was september off to war. he was one of six americans killed in a nato helicopter crash in southern afghanistan. no word what caused it to go down. loony leaves behind a wife, his parents and five brothers and sisters. coming up, a rude greeting for president obama during a speech last night. up next, why were some people shouting at the president. plus, how did mr. obama respond? we'll find out coming up next. plus, a setback in efforts to rescue those 33 trapped
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miners in chile. we are checking more headlines when we come back, next on fox 5 morning news. [ quinn ] my name is quinn, and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside.
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[ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo.
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soy the rescue efforts to free those 33 miners trapped in chile suffered a setback. one of the hammers on the drill broke off and fell to the bottom of the shaft. official believe it was most like due to a change in ground conditions. however, works believe the men will still be rescued in late october or early november, several weeks still earlier than first estimated. dueling hecklers greeted president barack obama at a gay rights fundraiser in new york last night. some protestors shouted at him for not funding more aids programs. others yelled he is not doing enough to repeal the don't ask, don't tell policy. the president eventually told
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them to go shout at republicans. decembers nationwide running in the mid-term elections are hoping to harness the power of the white house for help them win. they are not asking for the president. instead, they want the first lady. >> reporter: first lady michelle obama will be busy next month. she will embark on a multi- state campaign blitz for mid- term election candidates from coast to coast. the first lady will start in the midwest hitting milwaukee and chicago before heading onto denver and then it is off to the east coast with a stop in new york before visiting the west coast for events in seattle, san francisco and los angeles. >> they're sending her to states where -- which are basically blue states which are open to democrats but where some democratic candidates are in trouble, wisconsin, colorado, california. and that is where they think she will have the most influence. >> reporter: michelle obama is using her clout to push for senator russ feingold in wisconsin who is up against ron
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johnson, senator michael bennett in denver taking on republican ken buck and senator barbara boxer in l.a. in a race against carly fiorina. staffers say she will not be getting down and dirty. her foreign us will be on backing democratic candidates, not on taking shots at republicans. >> the first lady is more popular than the president. that is often the case. >> reporter: mrs. obama is expected to discuss issues important to middle america like jobs, the economy and the challenges of being a woman like balancing work and family. at the white house, julie kurtz, fox news. >> so far, all of events announced by the first lady's office are fundraisers. policy events will be added in california. but mrs. obama's office says there will not be a meshing of the two. coming up next ache new way to pay for certain items without pulling out your cash or credit cards. , is the flu vaccine also good for your heart. we'll check headlines, your
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health and consumer news as well coming up. plus, what would you do if this man came knocking on your door. he is well dressed in a shirt and tie. just look at him. police say he was up to no good. we'll explain. the calendar says fall. the weather says summertime. we'll have the detail on your hot and steamy forecast and julie wright will be in with a look at your on-time traffic. that is coming up in just a couple of minutes.
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busy office workers have been disrespecting lunch. and it's time someone did something about it. no need to be nervous. we're here to help. these are healthy choice fresh mixers and marie callender's homestyle creations. these guys actually allow you to prepare meals fresh. think of them as the lunchbox of the future. that's the sound of fresh taste. the noodles are separate from the sauce, but they desperately want to become friends. you cook the pasta, you strain it, you mix in the sauce, you'll find them in the canned pasta or soup aisle. did you hear me? the canned pasta or soup aisle. respect lunch!
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moh-ohm. max, first day... -do you have your lunch? -yes. and you know where your classroom is? uh huh. mom, i can walk from here. what about your... mom, i got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] they're never too big for a little something sweet. kellogg's rice krispies treats.
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welcome back. by the way, fox 5 is teaming up with mix 107.3 to raise money for children's national medical center this morning. the radio station is holding a radiothon all day today. tony perkins will be at children's hospital helping everybody out there. we'll be checking in with tony coming up later on. if you are looking for ways to donate, the web address is your screen. now, for tony to be outside, i think he will probably be inside today. but for anybody outside, it will be kind of humid, kind of sticky. >> both. all of the above. it will be hot with high temperatures back in the 90s. after enduring the summer, what is a couple more days of 90s. we'll turn the corn are with highs only in the 70s by sunday. it won't last for too long. that is the good news.
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high temperatures yesterday, get ready. drum roll, please, sarah. thank you. boy you really did it. gurvir never does it. dulles set a new record, 94 degrees. wednesday a few showers and thunderstorms pop up during the overnight hours. they are out of here but the leftovers, a little fog in places so be ready for that. let's take a look at current temperatures. 74degrees at reagan national. 64 in gaithersburg. winchester, 150. that is a little on the warm side for you. obviously, that is an error. 68 in hagerstown. i'll work on the computer, see if we can't get that fixed. there goes the shower and thunderstorm activity slipping off the coa. we are left generally with quiet conditions. it will be quiet today. i think generally sunshine by this afternoon after a little morning cloudiness and hot.
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-- the shower and thunderstorm activity slipping off the coast. more record heat, hot temperatures tomorrow. a cool downin the form of a second cold front that gets in here early saturday morning. mostly sunny skies. hot and humid this afternoon. first full day of fall. that is unusual, 91 degrees. winds out of the north and west at about five miles per hour. warm tonight. 71degrees your overnight low and looking to the next couple of days, we need the rain. some of us got it yesterday. many of us didn't. not a whole lot the next couple of days. 94 tomorrow. that would tie a record if we hit that. now, let's do some on-time traffic and julie wright. >> not looking so bad right now out on the roads. you will find lanes are open if you are traveling the top stretch of the beltway leaving college park headed over towards 270. in virginia, 395 at speed leaving the beltway trying to get past duke street and head out to the 14th street bridge. overnight roadwork in ices on
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out near the hot lane work has cleared. no trouble spots to report ads you travel south of mva and continue out towards rockville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. sit so what does this man look like he is selling -- or doing. taking a survey possibly. howard county place say the man you just saw in a shirt and tie is called the preppy burglar. he was up to no good when he knocked on that door. fox 5's wisdom martin has more on the crime caught on camera. >> i came from work and was going inside and saw the back bedroom window had been pushed in. >> reporter: this howard county home owner would doesn't want his identity revealed says he was stunned when he realized someone had just broken into his home. but what the burglar didn't realize is that he was committing his crime on camera. >> i went to my computer and pulled up the video surveillance system that i recently got. >> reporter: the home owner had
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the sharp-tressed suspect on two cameras. take a look at this video. this man in a shirt and tie and glasses is walking around the howard county home. when he realizes no one is there, he breaks in. >> he went to the bedroom window, looked in and then he went off and got gloves and he came back and pushed in the screen. >> reporter: he says this is the second time his home has been broken into which is exactly why he got the security cameras if the first place. >> the first time was pretty upsetting. they kicked in a basement window in that case and slid down through the opening. >> reporter: nervous neighbors are obviously concerned about the suspect's unique approach that. man it is unusual to see you wouldn't suspect them. >> since that has happened, i lock the doors. word the sharp-tressed suspect captured on camera, police hope someone will recognize him and turn him in. >> we're not sure why he was dressed in the shirt and tie, whether he was coming from somewhere where that was the
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appropriate dress or if it was a ruse to not raise suspicion with the people in the neighborhood. >> reporter: the home owner says he bought another camera over the weekend. he could be involved in other break-ins but they won't know until they catch him. soy flu shots could all be good for your heart. british researchers say if you get the shot, you are less likely to have a heart attack. they are not clear on why that is. whether there is something in the vaccine that helps or if it is just that the flu can sometimes cause heart attacks. american medical professional are questioning the validity of the british study. they say it is possible that people would got the shots are generally more healthy and that is why the rick is lower. doctors are urging all pregnant women out there to get a flu shot because they are more susceptible for severe illness caused by the blue. it is not new advice but researchers say less than a quarter of pregnant u.s. women typically get vaccinated. no cash or credit? no problem. if you have a cell phone, you can pay by text. a new service lets you send
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money without offer opening up your wallet. all you have to do is send a section message. lisa murphy explains. >> reporter: at this coffee shop, you don't need cash to get a couple joe. same deal at this restaurant, no cash, no problem. >> they can come in and eat and leave without paying. >> reporter: well, they don't pay the old-fashioned way. >> they get a text message that says it you for eating lunch here. this is what the simple kitchen charged you. >> we do everything else from our phone. we figured let's make it a nice way to use your phone as your wallet. >> reporter: two former college roommates say they hatched the pay by text idea when they left the wallet at home. they started a company.
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>> he was like why can't i just text you this money. >> this is a system set up to pay for things by texting. basically, it allows you to link your credit card account to your cell phone so can you send money to your friends through text. >> kind of a whole new way to look at paying people back and dealing with currency. >> reporter: michael is a user who says he is writing fewer checks and visiting the atm less but spending more time on the cell. >> i use it -- it is easiest when i'm splitting bills with someone. >> reporter: the service is free to people like michael but businesses are chargeed a small transaction fee similar to the fees credit card companies charge to businesses. >> every time you make a payment being you get a text message and you also get an e- mail. you are always very aware of what is happening with your money. >> our regular customer came in, grabed a cookie and yelled
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over his shoulder to bill him. it was hysterical. >> it saves us time in the check-out process. >> reporter: and at grumpy's cafe, you order the coffee and you send a text. the cashier on firms it. >> once you see it mitt gates a hassle and then it becomes kind of easy to deal with. >> reporter: if your friends are sending you money through text, how do you get the money out of your phone? you can have the company deposit your ven-mo balance right into your checking act. some userss do tell us that can take at least eye couple of days. i'm lisa murphy, fox news. >> for more information, can you log onto a game of hide and seek turned into a wild ride for one alleged criminal, first in a dumpster and then trapped into a garbage truck.
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we'll tell you how that dangerous adventure nearly turned deadly. it is official. the newest american idol judges, jennifer lopez and steven tyler. can they really replace simon? we'll hear from the new idol judges coming up next. [ female announcer ] it starts with you falling in love with the most customized piece of furniture you will ever own. get that one piece right and the rest of the room will just fall into place. see your ethan allen design center for two beautiful ways to save. i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options, i can find the combination that gets me there and back quickest. where you book matters. expedia.
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[ quinand this is my eggo., on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo.
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a reminder that we are raising money for children's hospital along with our partners, mix 107.36789 they are holding a radiothon today for children's national medical center. we'll be checking in with our own tony perkins who is there this morning. can you donate by calling 1-877- 999-1073. the new season of american idol doesn't even start until next year but idol hopefuls are already lining up for their
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auditions doing anything they can to snag a spot on the show. take a look at the line in los angeles. auditions were add there at the last minute after idol producers said they had such an overwhelming a talent this year. and it is official after months of speculation, we know who will be sitting at the judges table for idol season 10 and as you may have guessed, the judge's table is taking on a whole new look. adam housley reveals your new american idol. >> reporter: after a summer of speculation, the new look american idol with three at the head table takes shape. >> steven tyler! ladies and gentlemen, miss jennifer lopez! >> reporter: rock and roll icon steven tyler and music movie superstar yen officer lopez say they are thrilled to join one of television's top shows.
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>> you know, it is being a part of something much bit bigger than yourself. >> i'm he so excited to be here. i'm he so excited to work with all of you and watch you grow and watch the journey that we are about to take together. >> reporter: the celebrity judges join original and returning panel member randy jackson at the table. together, they are taking the competition for the next level. >> between the heart and the path and the street cred, this will be a richter scale event. >> i'm looking for the next michael jackson. we are looking like randy said for the best american idol ever. >> reporter: singers will be encouraged to sing inside their own genre. and second, there will be no celebrity guest judges this year. adam housley, fox news. >> plenty still ahead. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. fox 5


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